Understanding the HPSS Award

Do you employ people within your practice? Clinicians and/or support staff?
Do you understand your obligations to your employees under the Health Professionals and Support Services Award of 2020?
ICP will be co-hosting a one-hour webinar on Monday 4th April 5.30pm AWST to help practice owners ensure they understand and are compliant with the Health Professionals and Support Services award.
This award applies to psychologists, medical staff, allied health professionals and support staff (this includes receptionists, practice managers, gardeners).
We appreciate the award can be confusing and contradictory. Many practice owners may be surprised to know that they are interpreting the award incorrectly and may in fact be underpaying their staff! This is particularly true for the span of Ordinary hours which is different for different professions under the award.
Attendees will be better able to understand:
• the classification levels under the award
• the impact of ordinary hours under the award
• the implications for ‘shift-workers’ under the award
• when penalty rates are to be applied and if you are paying enough
• leave entitlements of employees (including leave for COVID-19 related issues)
This webinar will be co-hosted by Dr Kellie Cassidy, Clinical Psychologist, and Ms Frances Orr, HR Advisor with Strawberry Seed.
Dr Kellie Cassidy is the Director of Prosper Health Collective, a group psychology practice in Perth Western Australia. Kellie has been a Clinic Psychologist for over 14 years and currently leads a team of 10 psychologists and 5 administration staff. Kellie is also the current Treasurer for the ICP and has been on the committee for the past 2 years.
Ms Frances Orr is a HR Advisor for Strawberry Seed. Strawberry Seed are a HR company based in Victoria who support many allied health professional businesses Australia wide. You can find out more about Strawberry Seed at https://strawberryseed.com.au/
The event will be recorded and a recording provided for those that can not make it on the day.