ACPA / ICP Joint Statement – February 2021
New funding ensures expert care for veterans & families
Veterans most in need of specialist mental health services are now able to access the highest level of psychological care after an outreach funding commitment from leading veteran’s mental health service Open Arms to appropriately reimburse clinical psychologists for their services.
Open Arms Outreach Program Services has endorsed an increase in fees for clinical psychologists, to ensure veterans most in need of specialist mental health services will have access to expert care. This funding commitment to reimburse clinical psychologists for their services through Open Arms is part of a $94.3M funding commitment from the Australian Government.
The Australian Clinical Psychology Association (APCA) and Institute of Clinical Psychologists (ICP) welcomed the decision by Open Arms to ensure our most vulnerable veterans have access to the highest level of care.
ACPA President Prof Caroline Hunt said ACPA and ICP recognised the enormous value mental health professionals working in a range of fields were able to offer veterans and their families. However, this new funding is a crucial investment to support veterans.
‘’The funding commitment for outreach clinical psychologists will ensure those most in need of specialist mental health services will have access to expert care,” Prof Hunt said.
“The support provided to veterans through the Open Arms program is crucial and in line with Medicare and other funding arrangements, which recognise the expertise of accredited postgraduate training in clinical psychology.
“We are encouraging clinical psychologist members to be aware of the funding commitment from the Open Arms Outreach Program and to prioritise these urgent referrals.”
ICP President Dr Marjorie Collins said clinical psychologists had high levels of expertise in mental health disorders through accredited post-graduate training.
“High level training prepares clinical psychologists to provide the highest-level diagnostic assessments, formulation and specialist treatment, social skills training, family therapy, and group therapy. Clinical psychologists, by virtue of their high-level postgraduate training in mental health are well placed to provide the highest level of specialised care for Australian veterans and their families,” Dr Collins said.
Help is available on 1800 011 046 or visit Open Arms .
Contact details:
Australian Clinical Psychology Association
Institute of Clinical Psychologists