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How to apply for ICP Membership

Step by step

  1. Fill out the Membership Application Form
  2. Consider whether you wish to apply for Full Membership (which attracts voting rights) or Associate Membership (which does not attract voting rights).
  3. Include the names and email addresses of two Clinical Psychologist referees who would be willing to provide professional reports for you.
  4. The ICP membership co-ordinator will process your application by contacting your nominated referees and confirming your qualifications and good standing with the Psychology Board and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
  5. The membership co-ordinator will then present your application to the ICP Committee for consideration.
  6. Once accepted for ICP membership you will be added to the ICP website and appear under the ‘Find a Psychologist’ button. This entry can be connected to your practice website, to increase your online presence. You also will be given access to the ICP member communication channel, on the SLACK platform. As well, you will also be eligible for your own entry to the next edition of the GP Booklet for Psychology (which is in hard copy and online). ICP will cover the costs of your entry on the ICP website and into the GP Booklet, within your membership fee. These benefits will increase your online presence and ability to communicate with other Clinical Psychologists. 
  7. You are invited to contact the membership coordinator should you have any questions.

For More Information